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Cinematographer Jeffrey Chu http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1338118/ on the set of Analysis. http://www.obscure-productions.com/analysis.html
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Cinematographer Jeffrey Chu http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1338118/ on the set of Analysis. http://www.obscure-productions.com/analysis.html
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Lead Actress Sofie Fella, 12, speaks with director Richard Trombly on the set. Analysis http://www.obscure-productions.com/analysis.html was shot on location in Shanghai China in August 2012.
Richard Trombly Actors and extras (volunteer) needed for short film in Shanghai Analysis, a short film by Richard Trombly, being shot on no budget needs some actors and extras. on weekend of Aug 11 -12 We need : 8 adults as extras (role – teachers) — any age 20+, sex, and race two boys with speaking parts […] http://dlvr.it/1y5qbH www.obscure-productions.com richard@trombly.com
Richard Trombly We are deep into the preparations for Analysis, a short film about a 13 year old math genius whose greatest challenge is solving “the human equation”www.indiegogo.com/analysis We are in the last day of a crowd funding drive that has been incredibly successful. Online, we raised over USD $1,600 from 20 supporters, but almost 1,000 people have […] http://dlvr.it/1hFy0V www.obscure-productions.com richard@trombly.com
Actress Sofie Fella 12-year-old star of Analysis by director Richard Trombly which will film in Shanghai, China
Richard Trombly by Richard Trombly I have been working hard on my short film www.indiegogo.com/analysis I have been perfecting the script and shot list and developing the funding while assembling the creative team and acting talents. and things are coming together wonderfully. But this project is still in need of your support. Please go to our site […] http://dlvr.it/1f7l87www.indiegogo.com/analysis I have been perfecting the script and shot list and developing the funding while assembling the creative team and acting talents. and things are coming together wonderfully. But this project is still in need of your support. Please go to our site […] http://dlvr.it/1f7l87 www.obscure-productions.com richard@trombly.com
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Steamy shots from a short film shot in Beijing and directed by Hong Kong film maker Joe Fiorello. Director of Photography was Richard Trombly. Lead actor is Joe Fiorello himself and the Lead actress is the talented Hava Woo. This … Continue reading
Richard Trombly By Richard Trombly In Chinese, Meiwenti means “no problem” and it is an attitude that is essential for dealing with the hassles and problems inherent in independent film making in China. My friend and fellow film maker, Joe Fiorello, recently had an experience that put that to the test and proved what a flexible film […] http://dlvr.it/1bksf1 www.obscure-productions.com richard@trombly.com
Richard Trombly There is nothing quite like the openness of so many of the Chinese people I have met. People are always willing and eager to invite you into their homes and share their hearths no matter how meager and they will always assure that you have eaten the best they have to offer. This was a […] http://dlvr.it/1ZpWDm www.obscure-productions.com richard@trombly.com
Richard Trombly by Richard Trombly I have been in Shanghai preparing for the upcoming production of my short film Analysis http://www.indiegogo.com/Analysis this past week. This involved making some strong progress in developing my script, helping my lead actress define her character, scouting locations and meeting with some of the production talents like cinematographer Jeffrey Chu to begin defining […] http://dlvr.it/1Yc7QL www.obscure-productions.com richard@trombly.com