May 19号。 周日 Short Movies * Party * Beijing Moviemakers / SIM Digital将举办短片展映+美酒Party

As you have worked, now you shall play! 
SIM Digital Presents some short movies and tall drinks! 

at Salsa Caribe, and the new TOUCH, right next door to it in the 机电院 complex on Sanlitun South Street.
SIM Digital将举办短片展映+美酒Party
地点:三里屯南路北京机电院内——Salsa卡利宾 & Touch酒吧

We will show what we got from our Short Movie Contest, and maybe even announce a winner. 

Aside from that, let’s all get together and talk shop! You’ve got a good handle on living and working in Beijing, doing business and art all mixed up in a fine stew. Come share what you know!


The party gets going on Sunday Afternoon, May 19, 4pm at Salsa Caribe. We’re gonna drink, chat, watch, and critique short movies until 8pm, at which point free salsa dancing lessons are available from an experienced instructor! 


The party continues the next weekend, from 5pm on Sat. May 25 at TOUCH. More shorts! More people! More drunk!
Party在接下来的周末还将继续!时间:5月25日下午5点  地点:三里屯南路机电院内Touch酒吧

If you’ve made a movie, this is the time and place to show it! If you want to make movies, this is the time and place to get involved! If you’re on a tv, documentary, or feature crew, come and talk shop with the SIM Digital gang! They’ve got some fine-ass gear! 

任何项目,不论是影视还是广告,SIM Digital将会为您提供一流的设备及服务!

Once more:

SIM Digital Short Movie Contest PARTY!

May 19, from 4pm, at Salsa Caribe_click for map

May 25, from 5pm, at TOUCH_click for map

活动信息:SIM Digital短片展映+美酒Party

时间地点:5月19日下午4点开始,Salsa卡利宾 点击查看地图
               5月25日下午5点开始,Touch酒吧   点击查看地图

Why do we celebrate International Workers Day, Labor Day or May Day

International Workers Day. We always remember the sacrifices of those heroes that took up arms in service of their country and fought in wars. Today is the day we remember a different sort of hero. The ones that did not take up arms, but instead put their lives at risk standing up for their own countrymen at home. Defending the weak against those that would exploit them without guns on their side and often were faced with guns and threat of violence or death. These are true heroes in every sense of the word. They stood up to the bosses and monied elite in striking to demand fairness and withstood financial hardship, arrests, violence and even death to win our rights that we enjoy. Now we must also be ready to strike to stand up to the monied elite that are working to erode those rights. This is not an easy road. The easy road brought us to this juncture as so many forgot the truth these heroes taught us and follow the siren song of the cult of greed. It is time for solidarity with the workers of the world.

H2M Summit to be Webcasted


H2M Summit to be Webcasted

SIM DIGITAL BEIJING Labor film contest : Honoring workers

Richard Trombly SIM DIGITAL BEIJING Labor film contest : Honoring workers The month of May begins with Labor Day, and no one works harder than film crews on set for 48 hours straight! There’s no respite until every scene is shot! 凡是电影工作者都了解片场的艰辛, 有时为了一个镜头就要通宵达旦…… 劳动节是劳动人民的节日。辛勤工作,反映观众心声的电影工作者不正是劳动节的最佳代言人吗? SIM Digital (equipment rental) and 7 Horns (script and subtitle translation)  salute all of […]


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SIM DIGITAL BEIJING Labor film contest : Honoring workers The month of May begins with Labor Day, and no one works harder than film crews on set for 48 hours straight! There’s no respite until every scene is shot! 凡是电影工作者都了解片场的艰辛, 有时为了一个镜头就要通宵达旦……劳动节是劳动人民的节日。辛勤工作,反映观众心声的电影工作者不正是劳动节的最佳代言人吗? … Continue reading