The Sixth European Union Film Festival Brings Fresh New Movies to Chinese Audiences –

The Sixth European Union Film Festival Brings Fresh New Movies to Chinese Audiences – 第六届欧盟电影展为中国观众倾情呈现最新影片

Featuring 22 carefully curated films to screen during November for the first time in China on nine big screens in Beijing, Chengdu, and Shenzhen.


BEIJING, China 1st November, 2013 –

Finding films from all over Europe for you! The EUFF, presented by the Delegation of the European Union to China, returns to Megabox Cinemas, Broadway Cinemas, Stellar Cinemas, The Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, The Cervantes Institute in Beijing, The Polish Cultural Center, and the Italian Cultural Institute. All films will be screened with Chinese subtitles, and with English subtitles too, wherever possible. 

This year’s fresh film line-up, to be screened at commercial venues and cultural institutes includes: 即将登陆大银幕的影展影片包括:

“Museum Hours”, from Austria; 博物馆时光(奥地利);
“Approved for Adoption” from Belgium; 蜜色之肤(比利时);
“Kalabush” from Cyprus; 没问题(塞浦路斯)
“Little Otik” from the Czech Republic; 树婴(捷克);
“This Life” from Denmark; 抵抗运动(丹麦)
“Beauty and the Bastard” from Finland;美女和浪子(芬兰);
“Donoma” from France; 来临的一天 (法国) ;
“The Stroller Strategy” from France; 婴儿车攻略(法国);
“Winter’s Daughter” from Germany; 冬天的女儿(德国);
“The Guide” from Greece; 最佳导游(希腊)
“Tragedy of Man” from Hungary; 人类的悲剧(匈牙利);
“Pilgrim Hill” from Ireland; 朝圣山(爱尔兰);
“The Best Offer” from Italy; 最佳出价(意大利);
“Fireheart: the Legend of Tadas Blinda” from Lithuania; 塔达斯卜林达传奇(立陶宛);
“Blind Spot” from Luxembourg; 盲点(卢森堡);
“Plan C” from the Netherlands; C计划(荷兰);
“Imagine” from Poland; 美丽心境界(波兰);
“Florbela” from Portugal; 弗洛贝拉(葡萄牙);
“First of All, Felicia” from Romania; 不管怎么样(罗马尼亚);
“Feed Me with Your Words” from Slovenia; 跟我说说话(斯洛文尼亚);
“The Sleeping Voice” from Spain; 沉睡的声音(西班牙);
“Cockpit” from Sweden; 座舱(瑞典);
“Berberian Sound Studio” from the United Kingdom; 邪典录音室(英国);
and the short “Coming Attractions”, from Austria
以及奥地利短片 《Coming Attractions》, 未来引力

 “The best films bring diversity to the foreground, while underscoring the values, the feelings and the longings that we all share as human beings. This festival programme reflects the great diversity of the EU, with different films from different EU Member States, in many European languages. We hope it will give many more Chinese people a deeper understanding of the European Union and its diverse peoples and cultures through the wonderful medium of film”, said Dr. Markus Ederer, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to China.
“这些精选的欧洲 佳片体现了欧洲的多元文化,同时也反映了人类共有的价值观,情感和渴望。今年的电影展通过展映来自欧盟不同国家,不同语言的电影展现了一个多元化的欧洲。 我们希望这些优质电影能让中国观众进一步深入认识欧盟,了解多元化的欧洲人民以及广袤的欧洲文化。”欧洲联盟驻华代表团大使艾德和先生这样表示。

The EUFF opens 1st November in Beijing with director Gerard Barrett from Ireland presenting Pilgrim Hill, and continues through 30th November. Screenings take place in Chengdu from 15th-22nd November; and Shenzhen from 22nd-29th November. Tickets are available at the theaters for no more than 40 RMB, screenings at Cultural Centers are free. 
11月1日,本届影 展将率先在北京开幕,并持续至11月30日落幕。开幕影片为来自爱尔兰的《朝圣山》,其导演Gerard Barrett将出席开幕式。本届欧盟电影展成都站举办时间为11月15日至22日;深圳站举办时间为11月22日至29日。影展期间,各大影院均有售 票,票价不超过40元,同时各大文化中心还会免费为观众展映影片。

Further information will be made available on our websites at:
and through our media partners:

During the course of this year’s screenings, Producers and Directors from Europe are coming to Beijing to present their movies and join in dialogue with the Chinese Audience. The exact dates of their visits are dependent upon their busy schedules, but we are expecting the producer of “Museum Hours”, and the director and female lead of “Cockpit” to join us! 

Following the sixth edition of the EUFF, the second edition of the EUFF Online will take place on the video platform at for three months, starting from the end of November 2013. The EUFF Online, will showcase recent, popular and successful films from various EU member countries. Each film will be screened in its original language with Chinese subtitles.


For more information, please contact: 

Peter Salladé (英文)
Tel: 13146388904

Dirk Weißflog 维德克 (英文 / 中文 / 德文) 

Caroline Guo郭辰娜 (英文 / 中文 / 法文)

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