About Richard Trombly

Journalist, director, producer, and screenwriter from Shanghai, China Richard Trombly is a storyteller with 25+ years of experience. He is an author, screenwriter and film maker. After attaining a B.A. From the University of Massachusetts with a degree in literature with concentrations in film and theater, he pursued a career in journalism. As a reporter for publications including major news outlets as well as national level magazines, he learned to interpret people's stories. He further developed his craft as a news editor to make the telling more factual, concise and powerful as well as assuring that there are enough details and depth to create a full and compelling story. In 2003, he moved to Shanghai, China to explore and report first-hand on the amazing developments transforming Asia. Trombly started working in the entertainment industry in 2005. He started with community-based film productions as well as co-founding Shanghai's East West Theatre. Since that time, he has produced several stage productions and has been involved in more than 30 short films and several feature films of various budget levels. He was the associate producer of two feature films and produced The Ghosts of Old Shanghai. Trombly wrote several screenplays and has been an editor, script doctor or ghost writer on several feature films. Trombly co-founded Obscure Productions films to assist in international co-productions and support the local film community as well as to produce and direct his own screenplays. He has directed several short films, two of which have been selected in international film festivals and his current animation/live action project ANALYSIS is in post-production at Crashdown Studios. http://www.linkedin.com/in/richardtrombly

Trombly on Analysis

Analysis (short film)

Director Statement

Richard Trombly

Analysis is the story of Tina, a socially awkward 13-year-old math genius who uses her expertise as armor against the harsh realities of the world. This brilliant youth is facing several layers of isolation: from her family, her peers and society in general. She immerses herself into solitary academic pursuits using her genius in mathematics and her vivid imagination to protect herself against the pain of growing up as an outsider. Even if the math foundation behind Analysis is beyond you – the conflict is something everyone can relate to, since we all have been the outsider at some time.

Rubiks melt

As a youth, I retreated into books as my fortress. I was especially interested in science fiction novels with the fantastic worlds they created and the way smart protagonists discovered brilliant solutions. Issac Asimov’s Foundation series was compelling to me in that it presented a future where a super computer could model the world so accurately that it could interpret the future to even a human level. This compelling idea was blown away by the development of chaos theory, the idea that you could never have enough data to predict the future because of the infinite possibilities presented by chaos (like the butterfly effect). But Stephen Wolfram discovered that when a system reaches a certain level of complexity, modeling it does not become more complex, so even an infinitely complex system can be modeled.

Sofie Fella (l.) and Charles Mayer

Sofie Fella (l.) and Charles Mayer

So with recent mathematical developments in group theory combined with vast advances in computing power, I saw how Asimov’s mathematics for modeling – anything from predicting the weather to human behavior – were back in play. Rather than defining every variable, it borrows the idea from group theory recognizing that even infinity has certain bounds and you can define certain infinite possibilities to a group (like all the possible infinite ways cream can dissolve into milk, it will always disperse evenly in the end.) Would unbounded computer power and the right algorithm dispel the illusion we all hold of our unique individuality?

Computers have removed the mystery from both the Rubick cube and chess since they have reduced it to its basic algorithms and shown that pattern-recognition, more than intelligence, leads to superior play. However computers added some magic to the study of biology and genetics through the work of “cellular automatons” developed first by Stephen Wolfram. Very simple instructions in very few binary switches can create incredible complex patterns, he discovered. This lead to simple modeling of very complex systems.

bok and cube

It was key that I base Analysis upon real math and tackle it in the production. I have seen many films involving math geniuses and they tend to avoid the hard science and leave the math as a “macguffin,” a mere plot device. We are told the scholar is a genius but do not really see the math. Our challenge was to bring in the math without loosing the audience. One way to do that was to have solid math explained in plain terms by a child. Another point about math geniuses on film is that they all seem to face psychological problems. This lent itself to choosing the title Analysis – since it refers to mathematics as well as psychology.

This project also references Aspergers Syndrome, a generally mild form of autism characterized by social awkwardness, not maintaining eye contact, lacking non-verbal communication skills, difficulty perceiving others feelings, obsessive interest in narrow subject areas (e.g. mathematics, computer programming), and savant-like knowledge. I grew up in the college community around Amherst, Massachusetts where Augusten Burrows (Running With Scissors) lived with his brother, John Elder Robison, who has Aspergers. I also have members of my own family who live with Aspergers and have raised a child who excels in math.


I thought about how the people living with Aspergers find difficulty piercing the veil of social interaction and relationships but this is not a tale about mental illness, in the teen years, everybody faces challenges in socialization. Could computers help them decode the mystery of communicating with and relating to their peers in the same way it can win at chess or find the fewest moves to solve the cube? What a relief it would be for any child since they face such intense social pressures. Or will it cause them to withdraw and become less social as they descend deep into their virtual worlds that may seem more rewarding than the real world?

That is the conflict Tina faces in this story. The choice of Shanghai was the ideal backdrop for this production because it is perhaps the only truly cosmopolitan city in mainland China but the international community remains isolated from the Chinese society. This theme of isolation plays out on many levels as the bulk of the story occurs in the international community with “third culture” kids and Tina has both Chinese and English heritage. Even though this production was shot in English, the lingua franca of the expatriate community, the conflict of overcoming isolation is relevant to Chinese youth who are so programmed, over-scheduled and are under so much pressure in school, that they have little chance to explore their identity or social interactions.


Analyzing Analysis

Jude Jiang is a partner at www.obscure-productions.com and Producer of our short film “Analysis”. Here is her insight on why she produced this film with director Richard Trombly.


“I was thinking about the target audience of ANALYSIS.

The so-called mainstream movies present the conventional emotions like excitement, happiness, pleasure, tragedy and such. These emotions easily can be understood and well accepted by ordinary people. And the conventional theme these movies present is closely related with love, suspense, action, hero and such genres.

But ANALYSIS doesn’t attempt to present or show that to people. Instead, it wants to explore something hard to be understood but necessary to be told. Because it seriously touches the topic of  how human is naturally anti-social and also related to the social. It’s definitely not something light.

I think what’s really special about ANALYSIS is that it did it through a teenager’s perspective. An Asperger syndrome person’s POV. Which is more intensely exploring this theme of being socialized or not.

A lot of times, i have the awareness that when i get hurt, i want to hide in my little shell, but there will always appear an attractive reason for me to get out of the shell.  And the circulation actually goes on. It never stops.

Being socialized or not ? and how to be the self by not hurting the others?

This is a question. ” – Jude Jiang

Shanghai short film screening and industry networking event

The next China Independent Film Showcase

Presents in cooperation with

Shanghai KINO



Entry 20 RMB

Date: Saturday 17 May 2014   Time: 7:00 to late night.

A night of short film screenings and creative industries networking event

which will be held at:

Strictly Designers United

Shanghai’s South Bund area 上海南外滩

55 Fuxing dong Lu 复兴东路55号,

near Zhongshan nan Lu 近中山南路
Phone: 156 0187 7199

Website: www.strictlydesignersunited.com

Nearest metro station : Line 9 Xiaonanmen Station地铁9号线, 小南门站

Websites: www.strictlydesignersunited.com


Event Curators:

Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com +86 13818837641


Vivienne Wei shanghai.kino@gmail.com

The showcase features short works by local and foreign directors made in China or by Chinese talents around the globe. Featured works include Actress/Director Zheng Mei Huizi (Lost in Beijing and Summer Palace) , Yao Garu, Tim Chu, Richard Trombly and more.Some of the film makers will be present to discuss their films Some select films from Shanghai KINO will be played and founder Vivienne Wei will introduce the Kino group and her own experiences in low budget film making.

All are welcome…

Marco Polo Discovers Malaysia

China’s censorship drives co-production Chinese films to Southeast Asia. Due to China’s restrictive SARFT censorship policies and obstruction rather than support of the film industry, many foreign producers have tried to make international co-productions with China and then finally withdrew the project. After facing delays and potential costs created from the delays and potential censorship from SARFT regulators, The Weinstein Company moved the $50 Million production of the John Cusack film SHANGHAI and shot it in Bangkok.

John Cusack with costar Gong Li

John Cusack with costar Gong Li

” I am trying to solve a mystery in Shanghai, right? So what are we doing in Bangkok?”

Now the epic mini-series MARCO POLO being shot for NETFLIX by none other than the Weinstein Company decided to shoot in Malaysia where the censorship would not be an issues and there are tax incentives to bring the production. https://movies.yahoo.com/news/malaysia-turns-studios-rebate-incentive-scheme-214519516.html

Crashdown Studio Demo


Crashdown Studio Demo

Beijing Film Screening

2014 FEB 26 from 19:30
Zajia lab Film Platform presents: Shanghai Shorts Showcase – Film Industry and Creatives Networking Event
Curated by Richard Trombly | China Independent Film Makers Association

Hong’en Daoist Temple, Doufuchi Hutong


This is an event for film makers , directors, producers , actors, artists, agents, musicians, indie film aficionados or creatives of any sort.
This event aims to bring together creatives of all kind to inspire more creativity and a stronger arts community.

We have a selection of Shanghai-shot short videos made by independent film makers. Featured films include Gianpaolo Lupori’s latest (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3106851/) , Zeng Mei Huizi (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2924454) directorial debut Blue & Purple, Vivienne Wei (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5928182/?ref_=tt_cl_t6) with the film Just Love and Tim Chu with his second work Wednesday Girl. A selection of them are from Shanghai KINO and from the Shanghai Meiwenti Short Film Contest – groups that inspire community-based film making.
We hope to meet local indie film makers and inspire more indie film makers.

admission 20 rmb

Announcing “Zone Rangers” by Pierre DeCelles

Zone Rangers – Planetary Defense Force

Enter the world of Colonel Peter Drake and the Zone Rangers

In 2615, a small force of heroes, the Zone Rangers, protect the remaining free regions after mysterious forces conquered much of the world. The vanquished wastelands are called The Zone. Here people become nanobot-controlled “Zoners,” automatons enslaved to create weapons of war. Their leaders are twisted super soldiers known as “Reapers.”

Zone Rangers, under the lead of Col. Drake, are comprised of a multinational force of heroes dedicated to freeing humanity. They discovered how to protect machines and people from The Zone utilizing a rare element that neutralizes the nanobots. The drama follows individual Rangers striving to maintain their humanity and sanity in a world torn asunder by war.

The Zone was created by an alien that crashed to Earth in the 20th century who is bent on world domination and has since undermined peace and human society with continual war. The nations beyond The Zone are ill-equipped to face the monstrous robotic weapons and war machines emerging from The Zone and they cannot enter without becoming Zoners. Within The Zone, people are enslaved to exploit the environment and toil in factories creating nightmarish and fantastic war machines.

In this post-apocalyptic world, Zone Rangers use the highest technology weapons to defend the free world, liberate Zone regions and rescue people from its influence. Their units of infantry, mobilized scouts, hover tanks and ground support fighter jets are headquartered in an island base. With airborne carriers, they respond to global threats and launch tactical strikes into The Zone.

Despite the devastation of continual attacks, can the Rangers discover the ultimate goal behind The Zone and free humanity before it is too late?

Director and Concept Design by Pierre DeCelles
Written Story by Pierre DeCelles and Richard Trombly
Art Production at Crashdown Studio
Producers: Tim Giovanni, Pierre DeCelles and Richard Trombly

Copyright – Crashdown Studio – 2014